L'emploi des ingénieurs du BTP Bâtiment, Construction, Génie Civil, Travaux Publics
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CV Manufacturing engineering senior manager

Manufacturing engineering senior manager

Plus de 10 ans d'expérience
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Réf. IB2502121332
27600 Gaillon
Female Gaillon Batiment France 27600 Gaillon



Centres d'intérêts

Natation, Course à pied, Rénovation : maison, voiture

Ma recherche

Je recherche tout type de contrat, sur toute la région Normandie, dans le Batiment.


06/2005 : Bac +5
Master Mécatronique
06/2004 : Bac +5
Ingénieur maitre Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle

Expériences professionnelles

01/2024 - 10/2024 : Strategic Project Industrialization Manager chez Novares, Calgary
Start-up of a rotor assembly unit at the SXC plant in China, supervision of the industrialization of the process, internalization of external production at the Calgary site in Canada.
01/2023 - 12/2023 : Manufacturing Engineering Senior Manager chez Novares, Angoulême
Manager of the technical services of the BU (8 plants), Capex and layout management and Road Map monitoring on the Manufacturing scope (OEE, TRS, Efficiency, etc.). Monitoring of maintenance plans and KPIs.
01/2023 - 12/2023 : Leader Industrialization Cell Assembly chez Novares, Angoulême
Industrialization department manager Cell Assembly department (12 collaborators). Start-up of new assembly lines with product qualifications, process definition and implementation of production standards.
09/2022 - 12/2022 : Production Manufacturing Engineering Senior Manager chez Novares
Manager of the manufacturing department for the PCVF BU (Engine and exterior plastic parts). Guarantor of the industrialization of technical parts for the automobile in the BU plant. Management of plant Capex and Road Map, layout and management of complex flows, monitoring compliance with procedures and project milestones.



Centres d'intérêts

Natation, Course à pied, Rénovation : maison, voiture

Atouts et compétences

Robotique, Automatisme, Presse injectée, Soudure, Amélioration continue, OEE management, KPI implementation, Problem solving
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