L'emploi des ingénieurs du BTP Bâtiment, Construction, Génie Civil, Travaux Publics
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CV Plombier et ingénieur en chauffage

Plombier et ingénieur en chauffage

3 à 5 ans d'expérience
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Réf. IB2502200526
20137 Porto Vecchio
Female Porto Vecchio Batiment France 20137 Porto Vecchio



Centres d'intérêts

Sports, Music, Reading, Travelling

Ma recherche

Je recherche tout type de contrat, sur toute la région , dans le Batiment.


12/2022 :
Complementary Certification in Renewable Energy
12/2021 : Bac
Professional Baccalaureate in Climate Engineering
12/2019 : CAP
Certificate of Professional Competence (CAP) in Thermal Installation
12/2018 : CAP
Certificate of Professional Competence (CAP) in Sanitary Installation

Expériences professionnelles

09/2022 - 12/2022 : Service and Plumbing chez La Baie Des Voiles (campground), Bayonne
01/2022 - 04/2024 : Plumbing for City Halls chez Logista, Pamiers
08/2018 - 08/2022 : Steel heating networks, pipefitting, and welding chez Axima, Pau
01/2018 - 12/2018 : Completed CAP Thermal Installer and BP Climate Engineering chez Bobion Et Joanin, Pau
01/2018 - 12/2018 : Completed CAP Sanitary Installer focused on heating and sanitary systems chez Therminov, Pau
08/2016 - 08/2018 : Installed heating, sanitary systems, and air conditioning chez Bobion Et Joanin, Capvern



Centres d'intérêts

Sports, Music, Reading, Travelling

Atouts et compétences

Brazing and TIG Welding, Installation of sanitary and heating elements, Steel/Copper bending, Heating and water network construction, Boiler installation, Strong organizational skills, Problem-solving skills
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