L'emploi des ingénieurs du BTP Bâtiment, Construction, Génie Civil, Travaux Publics
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CV Ingénieur civil

Ingénieur civil

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Réf. IB250228014803
10140 Montmartin-le-haut
Female Montmartin-le-haut Batiment France 10140 Montmartin-le-haut



Centres d'intérêts

Sport : rugby, volley, bike, climbing, Music, Travelling, Cooking

Ma recherche

Je recherche tout type de contrat, sur toute la région Grand-Est, dans le Batiment.


12/2022 : Bac +5
Master’s degree in civil engineering
12/2017 : Bac
High School Diploma scientific

Expériences professionnelles

02/2023 - 07/2024 : Ingénieur civil – Contrat à durée déterminée chez Mobilitas
Real Estate, project management, industrial and office buildings. Defining specifications and understanding needs. Drawing up financial packages (200 000€ to 1 500 000€). Drawing up estimates (new projects, technical equipment, etc.). Managing partners, invitations to tender, contracts, etc. Work with international collaborators. Financial, technical, architectural and administrative monitoring of work. Land surveys. Discovering, understanding and adapting to a foreign country over a long period.
02/2022 - 07/2022 : Projet de fin d'études chez Roussey (eurovia), Troyes
Land prospecting and feasibility studies for a stockage installation. Project management (administrative, technical and financial). Clerk work (technical, financial and human management). Site management for a football field. Estimate for site.
06/2020 - 08/2020 : Tiler
09/2019 - 12/2019 : Assistant chef de travaux chez Cbl, Gaasperich
Structural work in residential construction (151 apartments) in Gaasperich (26M€). Schedule for the construction project. Establish the budget. Provide administrative assistance to the construction manager.
06/2018 - 08/2018 : Stagiaire ouvrier
01/2016 - 12/2022 : Agent de vin
Design of a grape seed extraction platform.



Centres d'intérêts

Sport : rugby, volley, bike, climbing, Music, Travelling, Cooking

Atouts et compétences

Autodesk, Office Pack, Adaptabilité, Capacité de travailler
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