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INGENIEURBATIMENT - CV Marketing & communication specialist
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CV Marketing & communication specialist

Marketing & communication specialist

3 à 5 ans d'expérience
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Réf. IB250219121746
92800 Puteaux
Female Puteaux Batiment France 92800 Puteaux



Centres d'intérêts

Cultural activities, Yoga, Meditation, Reading, Music, Playing guitar and guitalele, Singing, Musical theatre, Expositions & museums, Languages, Travelling, Cultures, World cuisines

Ma recherche

Je recherche tout type de contrat, sur toute la région Ile de France, dans le Batiment.


12/2021 : Bac +5
MBA (Master of Business Administration) - Digital Marketing
12/2019 : Bac +5
Master of Arts - Culture and communication: International Media
12/2017 : Bac +3
Bachelor of Arts, International Relations
12/2016 : Bac +3
Bachelor of Arts, Translation & Interpretation (Turkish, English, French)
12/2010 :

Expériences professionnelles

02/2022 - 12/2022 : Marketing & Communication Specialist chez Bureau Veritas, La Défense
Creating and implementing marketing and communication strategy for all markets at Group level, managing global marketing budget, coordinating work with local offices, managing a team of designers.
10/2020 - 12/2021 : Event & Digital Operational Marketing Assistant chez Thales, Rungis
Creating the marketing and communication strategy for the Better Skies Together platform, managing internal marketing newsletter, promoting customer engagements.
09/2020 - 01/2022 : Digital media and marketing consultant chez Freelance, Paris
Developing digital marketing and communication strategies, community management, translation and interpretation.
02/2019 - 08/2019 : Responsible of Communication chez International Skills Communication Agency, Paris
Digital marketing & communication projects for clients, community management, coordinating international experts.
06/2016 - 09/2017 : Certified and Sworn Translator & Interpreter chez Sworn Translator Of 54th Notary, Ankara
Sworn translation of legal, technical documents in English, Turkish, French.
09/2015 - 06/2016 : Part-time Office Manager chez Bilkent University, Ankara
Facility management and designing filing systems, managing paperwork and databases.
01/2015 - 12/2015 : Intern Translator & Interpreter chez Republic Of Turkey Ministry Of Foreign Affairs, Ankara
Translation of press releases and agreements in Turkish, English, and French.
01/2014 - 12/2014 : Intern Translator & Interpreter chez Republic Of Turkey Ministry For Eu Affairs, Ankara
Editing and examining EU Acquis' translations.
01/2012 - 12/2016 : President & Founder chez Musical Theatre Society, Ankara
Undertaking all organizations of activities of various shows, concerts, activities.



Centres d'intérêts

Cultural activities, Yoga, Meditation, Reading, Music, Playing guitar and guitalele, Singing, Musical theatre, Expositions & museums, Languages, Travelling, Cultures, World cuisines

Atouts et compétences

Project management, Strategy planning, Operational and digital marketing, Communication 360°, Event management & organization, Budget governing, Multiple teams & agencies' coordination, Community management, Content creation, Digital marketing & communication strategies, Translation and interpretation
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